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Silent Green | Databased Audio Experience

Silent Green | Databased Audio Experience

“Stop looking at the world through your cell phone screens. Have a real experience! Does anybody give a shit about truth other than me?” Edward Norton as Mike Shiner in “Birdman”

The project “Silent Green” is a data based experience which moves the user through an audioscape via the Berlin underground.


The various analyses of the urban space during the course quickly made it clear that our current movement through the city is mainly characterized by unawareness for our environment. Furthermore, most of the people moving through urban space are numbing themselves, are annoyed of the stress by the big crowds moving with them and are just interested on going from A to B without even recognizing where they have been and what surrounds them. The main problem that occured was that the urban population was finding it difficult to listen, whether to themselves, to other people or the environment itself.


The problem that had to be solved was helping the people start listening again and start being more aware of their surroundings. The project should help and provoke to be alone with own thoughts, bear a place of quietness in an overcrowded world and not looking all the time on the cell phone screen. Besides, this mindful experience was supposed to draw the attention of the user to an alternative place as an escape from his usual path through the city.

For these reasons the challenge was to tell the story as minimal as possible by underlining the value by involving as less tools as needed.


The answer was to combine data and audio to create a data-based audiofile which forced the user to listen carefully to get all the information about his surrounding but also puts him in an relaxing mood. Thus the listeners perspective on his day to day surrounding is shifted.


The user is moving in a linear way by the underground. He gets a sound file and an analogue map. The sound file contains the data which is based on the green urban space around the underground line.

The green spaces are categorized into graveyard, park and forest. Each category has its own sound.

graveyard = rain on a roof park = chirping birds forest = cracking branches

When the user passes a specific place the sound volume goes up or down to illustrate the proximity of the area. Besides that, the he gets an analogue map to have an overview over his location and the timeline of the audiotrack. He can pause the audio and leave the underground to explore the area with the information given.



Creating a map 1. At first the data for geovisulations had to be analyzed and stripped down to the excerpt that would be needed. 2. Exporting the data from the geoviz-programm to a PDF which then can be import into Illustrator. 3. The data is now transformed into vector shapes. 4. Now the map can be created and put into the right format.

Bildschirmfoto 2018-10-10 um 20.32.23.pngBildschirmfoto 2018-10-10 um 20.32.23.png
Bildschirmfoto 2018-10-10 um 20.24.41.pngBildschirmfoto 2018-10-10 um 20.24.41.png
Bildschirmfoto 2018-10-10 um 19.47.27.pngBildschirmfoto 2018-10-10 um 19.47.27.png
Immersive Storytelling - Main (2).pngImmersive Storytelling - Main (2).png
Immersive Storytelling - Main (1).pngImmersive Storytelling - Main (1).png

Creating an audio file 1. For the audiotrack different noises had to be researched. In this case simple audio samples from youtube are used. 2. If everything is converted into mp3-files the different soundlayers can be imported into Adobe Premiere. 3. To have a pattern for putting the right noise at the right time, the map is divided into different section. 4. When the pattern is done, the sound editing follows a strict time frame. 5. The sound file is exported as an mp3.



The best experience can be achieved with noise cancelling headphones.

Kennwort immersive-green24


The two big problems that aroused from testing the experience where first, that “it was hard to separate the different sounds and volumes” and that the whole experience “need a kind of onboarding process to understand what [the user] should do”.

Considering all that, the experience has to have an easy access and the audio tracks needs to be more clearly separated by volume.


Titelbild Eberhard Grossgasteiger


Soundfiles Graveyard Forest Park Meditation Sound

Ein Projekt von


Perspektiven und Social Skills

Art des Projekts

Studienarbeit im ersten Studienabschnitt


foto: Magdalena Kovarik

Zugehöriger Workspace

Immersive Walking - Interactive Storytelling in Urban Space


Wintersemester 2018 / 2019


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