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Explore with the ISS - Live tracker

This live data visualization was done at the course “Input Output - Introduction to process-oriented design” supervised by Fabian Morón Zirfas.

This project based itself on the statement:

The ISS travels fast around the globe, visiting numerous countries more often than you will never be able to.

The result is a web experiment offering the possibility to:

Follow the ISS and learn about the countries it flies over.

This web app shows the ISS at its live position mapped on earth.

Full documentation

See the complete documentation on Github

Ein Projekt von



Art des Projekts

Studienarbeit im ersten Studienabschnitt


foto: Fabian Morón Zirfas

Zugehöriger Workspace

(Steel Ant) Eingabe/Ausgabe - Grundlagen der Prozessorientierten Gestaltung


Wintersemester 2015 / 2016
