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Jimmy Stash - A Marker Script Font

Jimmy Stash - A Marker Script Font

This font was made in the type design class of Lucas de Groot. It is a handwriting inspired typeface with felt marker characteristics.

Finally, it is done!

I am at the end of my studies at the FHP. In 2007 I started here an one of my first classes was »Schriftentwicklung« by Lucas de Groot. My resulting font was the »Gebrochene Stiefelknecht« a headline font with black letter character, not a real fraktur!

Now it’s 2013! And one of my last projects is »Jimmy Stash« a marker script font in 3 weights. Surely a display font, too! But it is a multiple master font. I created the light and the bold cut and the regular cut is interpolated by the Glyphs application. A truly lovely piece of software by Georg Seifert. Even when you don’t make fonts you should try this out. It is a good example for well done software design. Respect!

But back to my font: »Jimmy Stash« is influenced by hip hop culture, handwriting and music such as rap, rock and country! Funny mix you might say, but take a look at Rick Rubin! He is one of the most important music producers in the world and he gives a shit about genres. And he produced some of the best records in history like Public Enemy’s »It takes a nation of millions to hold us back«, The Cult’s »Electric«, Red Hot Chilli Peppers’ »Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magik«, not to forget the late Johnny Cash records (and a lot more). This font is like the handwriting, you’ll find on a mix tape cassette of the best Rick Rubin productions.

»Jimmy Stash« doesn’t want to be beautiful! He wants to be used for a t-shirt or sticker design containing the word »Fuck«! And sometimes you want to say »Fuck« in the internet, too. That’s why I bought another software called »FontPrep« which converts your open type font into the needed web font format. It’s real handy and costs 5 USD. Do you know what that means? You can use »Jimmy Stash« in the internet. For Free! Just use the QR Code on the poster to go to the website and download my font.




Art des Projekts

Studienarbeit im zweiten Studienabschnitt


foto: Prof. Luc[as] de Groot


Sommersemester 2013