Incom ist die Kommunikations-Plattform der Fachhochschule Potsdam

In seiner Funktionalität auf die Lehre in gestalterischen Studiengängen zugeschnitten... Schnittstelle für die moderne Lehre

Incom ist die Kommunikations-Plattform der Fachhochschule Potsdam mehr erfahren

Anti Gate Recognition Technologie

This project takes place in a temporality close to ours. Let's imagine ourselves living in a society where the power is more and more repressive, where the reasons to be indignant are numerous but where we can't revolt anymore. In this society, the GRT (Gate Recognition Technology) which already exists in our current world, is used by the forces of order to identify the demonstrators in the street. This technology is able to recognize the shape and unique way our bodies move, making anonymity almost impossible. Let's imagine then that in the face of growing repression, revolutionary organizations set up body movement strategies. The goal would then be to imagine a common walk capable of fooling the artificial intelligences by walking all in the same unnatural way. These organizations would distribute for each action leaflets explaining precisely the approach to adopt as well as a link to a training algorithm. This algorithm based on the same technology as the government would allow us to train at home by giving us the percentage of similarity with the given model.

This method is a possible answer to repression, it will probably be quickly bypassed by the police, but it will be the beginning of a long fight for our rights.

Poster.pdf PDF Poster.pdf

Chloé Le Mézo_Final Présentation.pdf PDF Chloé Le Mézo_Final Présentation.pdf

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Art des Projekts

Keine Angabe

Zugehöriger Workspace

Design for debate.


Wintersemester 2022 / 2023
