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Visual Thinking

In unserer digitalen Welt wird Zeit zu einer knappen Ressource, die jedoch für die Weitergabe von immer komplexeren Kenntnissen und Erfahrungen notwendig ist. Aus diesem Grund reichen die traditionellen Wege des Wissensaustauschs zwischen Menschen wahrscheinlich nicht mehr aus. Visuelles Denken bezieht sich auf das Phänomen, neue Informationen durch visuelle Verarbeitung zu lernen. Selbst wenn Sie nicht zur Kreativität neigen, erleichtert Ihnen visuelles Denken, Ihre Gedanken zu ordnen, neue Ideen zu entwickeln und sich an wichtige Details zu erinnern. Wie macht visuelles Denken Wissen sichtbar? Dies ist die Hauptforschungsfrage meiner Bachelorarbeit.

Abstract English

In our digital world time is becoming a rare resource, but it is necessary for the transmission of increasingly complex knowledge and experience. It is for this reason that traditional ways of sharing knowledge between people are probably no longer sufficient.

Visual thinking refers to the phenomenon of learning new information by visually processing it. Even if you are not inclined to be creative, visual thinking makes it easier to organize your thoughts, form new ideas, and remember important details. It comes in a wide range of formats and techniques, such as doodling, sketch-noting, and visual diaries and covers a wide range of skills - conscious planning, problem-solving, imagination, and storytelling. How does visual thinking make knowledge visible? This is the main research question of my bachelor thesis.

Final Project – The Workbook

Throughout my artistic career as a photographer, I unconsciously preferred analog over digital. Taking pictures with a film camera is a more deliberate process because you only have a limited number of shots, and the result after developing the film is always a bit unexpected. The same way I feel about analog painting. Mixing colors of paints, getting your hands dirty, the tactile sensations of different tools – all of this seems to involve your entire body and mind in the process. And it appears to me that anyone can have that experience if they stop judging themselves and allow their inner child to have fun. 

In order to practice Visual Thinking, I designed the workbook with some easy and meditative drawing exercises. I decided to choose 5 drawing tools, of which each would provide a unique drawing experience: from a soft children’s pencil, which is convenient for coloring large shapes, to a fine calligraphy felt-tip pen, sensitive to pressure, for learning meditative handwriting.

A4 format will be used for printing in large quantities and practicing. Using recycled printer paper also contributes to a sense of sustainability, and its gray color and texture make it a pleasure to draw on.

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The Printed Book




Ein Projekt von



Art des Projekts



foto: Prof. Alexandra Martini foto: Prof. Matthias Beyrow


Sommersemester 2022
