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Urbane Ebenen (urban layers) 2.135 Advanced Media 2010|1 This course will be presented real and virtual levels in the urban context on the Surface table using interactive Geovisualiserungen.


Different people react in diffrent ways. On construction sounds or children or traffic. How can the perception of noise be messured? Is there a value that oscillates between anoying and nice? And there were more questions.

How could this be meassured?

With this [survey]( „survey“) (only in german) we tried to get our hands on some data. At this moment it's the perception of 39 people. But there is no live-stream.



Based on the data we got from the survey we build some graphs and tried to understand. Of course are some things obvious. Like the perception of traffic in general. But some smaller differences are interesting. People like children a bit more than dogs. But only at daytime. And everybody loves lightning and thunder at night.

Finally ( and because we were eager to make something beautiful ) we choose a metaphor to explain the data. The always flowing circle as an image for the never stopping life in the city. The particle, as the person wo reacts on sound, has to make his way throug space. The typographic obstacles are noises that interfear with the mood of the masses.

We splitted this in three different spaces. Public space ( the inner ring) , private space ( in the middle ) and workspace ( the outter ring ) . We also made a difference between the perception on day and night.



These images are rendered while the application is running. Pic01 You see the typographic obstacles on the start screen. Pic02 You see the different spaces private, public and work and one lonely particle enters the scene. Pic03 For every space we have three paths with a thickness in which the particle can move while traveling on that path. Pic04 Looking at the right upper corner you see the stats of our particle. Pic05 Because of the collusion between particle and obstacle the stats of the particle have changed. Pic06 More particles + more obstacles = more motion. Pic07 Some obstacles (e.g. constuction) even have the ability to move the paths. Pic08 People do not like construction.


For all of you who can´t afford a multitouch device or don´t have the opportunity the use one, we made this small video. Please enjoy! And for all of you who can afford a multitouch device you are welcome as well.

what´s next?

The next step would be implementing sound. There are some ideas around like making a sound layover controlled by the active objects there size and there position. But nothing really final.

technical mambo jambo

language:[Java, ]( „Java“) [Processing]( „Processing“)

IDE: [Eclipse, ]( „Eclipse“) [Processing]( „Processing“)

with help: by [Till Nagel]( „Till Nagel“)

see the code: [@Google Code ]( „Google Code“) or [@GitHub.]( „GitHub“)

The classes in the package particleSystem are mostly based on [Daniel Shiffman's Nature of Code Examples.](href=„ “Daniel Shiffman„)

The class TNObstacleObject in the package interaction extends [Till Nagel´s TransfomableObject class.]( “@Google Code„)

There is also a (unfinished) [JavaDoc!]( “JavaDoc„)

Visit the [project´s website!]( “„)

We are using [TUIO,]( “TUIO„) [TongSeng,]( “@GitHub„) [MSARemote, ]( “MSARemote„)[MISO, ]( “by Omkrets arkitektur„)[Unibody8, ]( “by„)[PF Tempesta Five.]( “Yusuke Kamiyamane„)

Some known problems:
- The OPENGL concave shape bug
- MSARemote in a wifi net affects all running aplications
- MS Surface is a really slow machine. belive it or not



Art des Projekts

Studienarbeit im zweiten Studienabschnitt


foto: Dr. Till Nagel


Sommersemester 2010

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