

At first we started sketching the entangled complex system in form of a big flow chart. Afterwards we transformed the optimized version of the data visualization on a miro-board. Then we created a storyboard which represented the different storylines and the following style frames for the animated videos. We also come to an arrangement for a the visual concept that refers to the look of the fashion label.




We decided to have some videos based on a screen recording to present the brand and the people behind it. Beside that we created animated videos with ProCreate Dreams with a simple illustrative drawing style and handwriting.  The color palette is quite colorful and represents some of the different shades referring to the brand´s  website.



The construction of the flow chart changed during the process. In the beginning we started with a big flow chart that contained all of the information we wanted to present. In the end we transformed the big entanglement into many  different subdivided flow charts that are connected to each other. Each flowchart contains at least one video. Moreover we added the keyframes on the software to create a flow between the text and the video. 

The video installation has the structure of a loop. Even without clicking through the charts, you experience a well-directed storytelling.



video installation

On the day of the final presentations we were able to explore the video installations. For now we decided on not adding the audio to the video because of missing time. In the future we definitely we want to complete the animations with sound referring to the videos. But to this point we actually experienced that the silently video installation doesn´t lead to a overstimulation. The viewer can concentrate on the animations and the moving flow chart without being overwhelmed.


final presentation