Abstract English

Design has a proven impact on revenue growth, profitability, and the sustainability of companies. At the same time, the influence of design on business success often goes unnoticed by decision-makers, and designers themselves frequently do not adequately quantify and communicate this influence.
Therefore, the present master's thesis addresses the question of the challenges faced by design teams in determining key performance indicators (KPIs) and aims to develop a practical solution based on these challenges. Through expert interviews, I have identified eight specific challenges in determining metrics within design practices. I elaborate on each challenge and propose corresponding solutions. These solutions are described within a comprehensive guide to metric determination for design teams, which I tested through a practical workshop concept.
The workshop trial has shown that the methodical approach outlined in the guide effectively addresses all identified challenges. Thus, the developed guide and workshop concept provide valuable support for metric determination within the design community. This approach contributes to effectively bridging the gap between design and business strategy, ultimately »unlocking« the »impact« of design.



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Die Vorlage des KPI-Workshops in Miro kann über diesen Link geöffnet werden: http://tiny.cc/lgy9vz

