Abstract (English)
Throughout my studies, type design has been the one thread that connects the vast majority of projects I’ve worked on. With my time in school coming to an end, a very natural step to take next is to start my own independent type foundry focused primarily, but not limited to, display typefaces. I would like to see this graduation paper as the chance to document this next chapter, entering and finding my way into an already oversaturated type design market. The main subject of this thesis will be the research, and subsequent documentation of the role that visual communication will play for the type foundry as a whole.
The practical portion of this project will not just have the foundry’s typefaces as its subject, but rather the editorial visual worlds that will be created around them, whether it be before, during, or after the design process, exploring the role of the specimen, that is to be understood as an expression of a design space where the typeface is thought to be shown in its best light, allowing it to be seen in action and tell its own story.

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The Project
Type specimen designs for the release campaign of Cortese — a display typeface reinterpreting Cortez by Philip Kelly.
Digital Specimen:
[password: cortese]