Abstract English

A poster is to be designed that promotes and informs about an exhibition. The colors, motifs and the theme that the poster could communicate have already been clarified. But one point creates a great deal of uncertainty: Which of the many fonts on the market can be used for the new design? How can we determine which fonts might be appropriate thematically or in terms of impact, and whether they have all the characters we need?

Designers are confronted with these and similar questions, not only when they design an exhibition poster, but also when they design for other industries and media. Type, as a major carrier of information, is a crucial element in a visual design for communicating content and messages (Bringhurst, 1992). However, the choice of an appropriate typeface is also of high concern. It affects not only readability and aesthetics, but also the expressiveness of the content. Nevertheless, designers are often faced with the challenge of choosing the perfect font from the myriad of options. In this day and age of increasing font offerings and advancing technical capabilities for font management and application, it is necessary to find innovative solutions to assist in font selection.

This thesis deals with the conception and design of a supporting application for font selection. The objective is to design a digital application that takes on a subsidiary function when deciding on a font, provides hints, sensitizes designers to the topic, and offers navigation through the sea of fonts. Interactive filter and evaluation elements as well as a user-centered interface can be an aid to facilitate the font search and make it more effective.

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Exemplarischer Use Case

Passwort typewizard

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