Hello! Is It Change You’re Looking For? _Using ideation techniques and design thinking to generate solutions for every body Everyone has a body. The bodies we inhabit influence who we are while we shape our bodies to match how we identify. But what happens when our bodies can’t represent who we are as human beings? When our bodies and identities are mistreated by society? When we are forced to perform a certain way so we can survive? Within this intense and high-paced project week course, we will identify design challenges in regard to those questions, focusing on gender, intersectionality and queerness. By learning about techniques in design thinking and ideation, we will rapidly generate concepts to develop design solutions. A limited time budget, reduced means of visualisation and changing perspectives will challenge the way we approach design choices. This course is thought of as being an exercise/crash course in ideation and conceptualisation. It’s all about the idea, not the finished design. If you’re already interested in specific subjects or issues, please feel free to bring them to the course.


Design challenges regarding the body?

At the beginning I could not imagine how this abstract topic could take form into different projects. We discussed about the different body, societal issues and stereotypes, did a lot of brainstorming on Miro board and started working on different design solutions for each of the topics.

Applying and learning the ideation process on this topic really intrigued my interest.

Day 2/3

We expanded the differend body issues through clusters and chose to further work on some specific categories. I was particularly interested in Body hair, Plastic surgery and Anorexia.

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Day 4/5

On these three topics we then needed to develop 2 ideas and present them to the group. Most of my ideas were in forms of Poster Designs and Campaigns. After getting some Feedback and Information about Critical Design the next challenge was to concentrate in one Topic and approach it in a different design solution. 

In the next sessions we voted as a group for one project that each of us should focus on.

In addition we had to pick a topic from another students' ideas and take it a step further.

Pink Tax Project

For me it was the Pink Tax. 

The pink tax refers to the trend where women pay more for the same products as men. I decided to create scenes for a video which would raise awareness about the topic.

II wanted to have both women and men as a target group, because it is a topic which in my opininion concerns everyone.

Goal for me was to draw the scenes as minimal as possible and attract both genders' attention.

I tried to provide as much real life data and facts as possible.

By listing the most funny products where the only difference was the price depending only on the gender I wanted to make the audience realize that even in very simple products women have to pay more only because they are women.

Even necessary products like tampons and sanitary pads are considered a luxury and have an additional tax.

In addition, I wanted to highlight that it is more profitable for the market to have equal prices and that the consumers can help achieve this by contacting the stores and consumer hotlines directly. This is a part where I would have to work more and present a real life example.

The final Goal was to urge the audience to do someting about the gender gap and learn more about their rights by opening a website,


It was really interesting to go into more depth in this more social and less technical topic and see how the different clusters are interconnected and relevant to everyone. 

The implementation of the design solution was challenging but I really enjoyed diveloping some ideas and seeing the ideas of other students develop.

Talking about a topic and getting feedback will only help you develop.

What I keep from this project:

No idea is a bad idea.